Friday, November 13, 2009

Last Day at Work

I have taken the plunge and have finally after 10 years resigned from my job in the city. I have been working part time ever since Sammy arrived and working for a family business and trying to sew in my spare time. (WHAT SPARE TIME) and I finally decided to work just for the family business and do a little sewing and spend more time, I hope with the family.

What a big change! Today was my last day and it is quite nice to think I dont have to be there on Monday. No traffic to deal with, or rushing to get kids off to school and then get to work. No feeling guilty when I want to be sewing for a change.

So, on top of selling the house and planning on moving, I have also had a career change.

That is partly why I have been making lots of different things lately. I like to create but havent had the chance till just recently. Once you start things just seem to flow.

One of my Christmas ideas is this swag. It says Merry Christmas and you can hang it over a door or on the fireplace, which is where mine goes. All handmade and different from the mass produced items you can buy in the shops. I love the idea that there are only about 10 of these in the whole wide world, and I can say that because that is all I have made so far.

Do you like to create new projects. If you send me a link or an email with a photo attached I would love to show off some of your wonderful works for you. If not, drop me a comment and let me know what your favourite thing to make is.


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